We all love Pinterest group boards. They are a fantastic way to have your pins seen by thousands of followers other than your own. They are also can very easily become uncontrolled and unresponsive. No one wants to participate in a group board that does not gain you repins or traffic.
To help combat that with my own group boards, we are doing a full clean up and putting some new rules into play. Please make sure you follow them. You will have 30 days to follow them or you will be removed as a pinner and potentially have your pins deleted.
These rules may not apply to everyone and everyone who is currently a pinner received a message with the group board updates.
New Rules for all The Joys of Boys group boards effective 1/19/2016:
Maximum number of pins for each board is 2 per day. These are slower moving boards and even 2 pins per day may be too much right now, however, we have no issue with the speed of the board picking up and if those who are allowed to pin 2 per day, do so, the board will speed up.
Please stay on topic. If you are found to be pinning off-topic pins, you will be messaged the first time and removed without warning the second.
Pins with less than 1 repin will be deleted. This number WILL go up later on, however you will be notified. Please police your own content. If you know that a specific pin does not perform, please refrain from pinning it to our group boards. Pins are deleted on a weekly basis.
Duplicate pins are fine, however, please don’t repin the same pin and only that pin. Diversify what you’re pinning so that the duplicates aren’t glaringly obvious.
NO horizontal pins period. Horizontal pins will be removed.
NO hashtags period. If you must pin a sponsored post, please use (AD) or (Spon) instead of a hashtag. Pins with hashtags will be removed.
Thanks for reading and thanks for being a part of my group boards!