Farm Cake
Yesterday I shared my baby’s first birthday party and said I would show the tutorial for his first birthday farm cake today. I had searched the web for different ideas of doing a barn with farm animals but couldn’t find any that were exactly what I wanted or that I could actually make. 🙂 I’ve mentioned many times before that cake and I just don’t get along so any cake I make has to be simple but still cute. One day I’ll have to post pictures of all of my destroyed birthday cakes and birthday cake saves. I’ve had my fair share.
For this cake bake any flavor of sheet cake. I used one box of white cake mix for the sheet cake so it wasn’t too think and baked it in a large cookie sheet. Then I mixed one box of chocolate cake mix and made 12 cupcakes and one 8 x 8 cake. Bake according to the directions on the box and let cool completely before decorating.
Then I added the mud for the pigs with chocolate frosting, the grass with vanilla frosting mixed with green food coloring and the sky with vanilla frosting mixed with blue food coloring and a few sprinkles. I added the sunshine out of Reese’s pieces but I went back later and switched out some of the orange ones for yellow to make it more sun-shiny (is that a word?).
I don’t have any pictures of the between since I procrastinated and was working on this at 2 in the morning but I started the barn by cutting off two corners of the chocolate square cake to shape out the barn roof. That’s when everything fell apart for me but just make sure to really grease and flour your pans so the cake comes out. 🙂 (Thought I did but apparently not). And then place the barn where you want it on the sheet cake.
I decorated mine using Betty Crocker red glitter frosting that comes in a tube and I used a flat decorating tip so I could make the frosting look like barn wood. Then I used just a plain circle tip to add the white accent. For the straw I added just a couple of drops of yellow food coloring to coconut and shook it up in a plastic zip-lock bag.
For the roof I used mini Nilla wafers and layered them as you would shingles. I have seen other cakes that used graham crackers or other cookies so you have several options that you could use.
And then comes the tricky part: trying to figure out how to turn normal looking cupcakes into animals.
The chicks were the easiest. I just frosted them with vanilla frosting and used some of the same coconut I had used for the straw to make their feather. Then added mini chocolate chips for the eyes and cut candy corn for the nose.
For the pigs I used pink frosting and pink heart marshmallows for the ears. I was lucky that they are available this time of year. I then cut a large white marshmallow in half and frosted for the nose and cut two small marshmallows in half and used mini-chocolate chips for the eyes. For the nostrils I stuck two black licorice candies into the marshmallow.
Then I just placed them into the “mud” so they could cool off as pigs like to do. 😉
The cows were by far the hardest to figure out but I think they turned out really cute. We ended up using black jelly beans for the eyes, junior mints cut in half for the ears, a mini Nilla wafer for the nose with black frosting for nostrils and white licorice candies for the horns. Then I cut a small piece of red rope licorice for the mouth.
I think they turned out “Moo”velous!
What do you think? This is one of those cakes that if they had the time, anyone could make. I’ve figured out all of the animals for you and that was the hardest part. (no need to thank me 🙂 ) I think this cake turned out “Farm”tastic! (Okay, enough of the “corn”y jokes. hehe!)
If you like this Farm Birthday party then you may love our Angry Birds party as well.
Other Birthday cakes we’ve made:
Cake shared on Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons.
That is the cutest cake I have ever seen!! LOVE it!! and all your jokes!!
lol! Thanks Cate! I’m glad someone liked my jokes…and the cake I might add. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
SUPER cute!! I would love you to come join my Pin Me Linky Party that starts Friday morning at 8am CST. I allow up to 3 links each week! I am following via FB, Pinterest, & Twitter!
Thanks Diana! I’d love to share some of my pinterest links. Thanks for the follows. I’ve followed back. 🙂
agree farmtastic! i wish i could just pick the kids cakes again, now i get requests for a standing stormtrooper or transformer! love your animals and farm 🙂
haha! Thanks! I can still choose the cakes for my baby but I agree my older boys are harder. Good luck with the standing cakes! Those would definitely be beyond my skill level. 🙂
This is just an adorable cake! Pinning it!
What an adorable cake! Very cute and creative, and I love that it’s doable even for people like me who aren’t in the least cake decorators. I also did a barnyard theme for my 1-year-old son (it’s on my blog); lots of fun!
I’m absolutely not a cake decorator so I have to get creative with the limited skills that I have. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! I’ll go and check out your sons party.
Stopping by from the Organized 31 party! Your barnyard cake is adorable!
How very adorable! I’m jealous and want one for my birthday. 😉 Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday.
Hi Kara,
What a precious cake, you did a great job! Have a fantastic week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen