Camping is my favorite! I love being able to get away from reality for a bit and spend some time in nature. It’s a nice, calming break from my typically chaotic life!
Sometimes, we can’t pack up and head to the mountains. But we can have just as much fun right in our own home.
July’s Mini-Date Activities are all related to Backyard Camping!
You’ll receive one camping activity, game or recipe each week.
Print them all out and add them to a binder with last month’s Park and Summertime activities. Collect them each month and you will always have a place to go to when you are looking for a fun way to bond with your son.
Plus, fill out the summary page each month and you will also have a fun memory book that you will love looking back on down the road.
Print out the Camping Cover Sheet and Camping Summary Page and enjoy these camping recipes and activities.
Week 1:
So your first activity is: Camping Charades!! This is a fun game to play whether you are out camping in the mountains, around a fire pit in the backyard, or just in your living room. Camping Charades is fun for kids of all ages!
Download Camping Charades today!
Week 2:
Spending time in nature is such a wonderful way to unwind and bond with our sons. Plus, it is really great to get our boys outside and away from electronics and video games. This week, spend some time outside making these simple camping crafts. Take a picture with your son to put on your memory page!
Download Easy Camping Crafts
Week 3:
There are few things I love more than sitting around a fire, enjoying nature and making a yummy campfire treat! This week, spend some time around a fire making these yummy campfire treats. I can’t decide which one is my favorite!
Grab your copy of these yummy and easy Campfire Dessert Recipes
Week 4:
Are you LOVING these camping activities? I can’t believe that summer is almost over! This week take everything you have learned so far and go camping! Now, I know that it might not be possible to take off to the mountains, but camping in the backyard can be just as fun. AND, if that isn’t possible, build a fort in the living room.
Download some of our Best Tips for Camping at Home
BONUS! Grab this sheet of Campfire Songs to make your night of camping even more fun!
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