I’ve been thinking a lot lately about life in general and how life has changed so much in the last few years for pretty much everyone. In talking with a lot of my friends and neighbors it seems as though so many people are in a bit of a rut or confused as to what they should be doing with their life. The life they pictured for themselves a few years back has gone in a drastically different direction and a lot of people are starting new “adventures” and making some huge lifestyle changes. Sometimes it is easy to feel like quitting, but don’t quit!
Last week I shared my favorite quote by Marianne Williamson about overcoming our fears and discovering what we are destined to do and I mentioned how that quote gives me strength to try new and challenging things. But one thing I’ve found is that when we start on a new journey in life, whatever it may be, we often have a lot of excitement and adrenaline pushing us along at first and then it hits us. We come face to face with some major mountains and obstacles. Then, we may start putting our focus on those obstacles and taking our eyes off of our goals. Instead of looking back to see how far we have come, we can only look at how far we still have to go and we start doubting that we will ever make it. Sometimes we can’t see that our next big break might just be over the next hill. It gets so overwhelming! When those moments happen in my life, I turn to this quote. I think everyone should have this printed and framed somewhere in their house. I hope it helps you push through any of the obstacles you might be facing, whether you are facing self-doubt, dealing with a difficult child,trying to lose the last few pounds of baby weight (ugh!) or even something that may seem as insignificant as trying to keep up to the laundry! I know that’s one mountain that doesn’t seem to have an end in sight around here. 😉 Whatever it is you are facing in your life, don’t quit!
Don’t Quit
Happy Monday! Have a fun and exciting week!
August 26, 2015
Hello Kara. Today, I was browsing Google for positive back to school messages and found your website for your sons. These are really good and I’m sharing with my fellow college intern school mate Mr. Thomas Patrick Jack Jenkins. I return to Bowie State U and pray I will graduate this year (BS Sociology). And, Thomas is seeking enrollment to Bowie State U or another to finish up final 2yrs for BS Business Admin. Good luck to your family and thanks for the great motivational ideas. Very Respectfully, Anita