I was sent a complimentary single of “My Telephone Number is” by Genevieve Goings to review as a influencer with Entertainment New Media Network. My thoughts and opinions are always my own.
“My Telephone Number Is…” New Release by Genevieve Goings
I had an amazing opportunity in February to attend the Entertainment New Media Network conference and be brought up to date on some of the latest and greatest things happening in the entertainment industry. One of the highlights of the conference for me was getting to meet Genevieve Goings and previewing a small private concert from her. She is amazing and I am so excited to announce that her new solo album “Do you Know?” is scheduled to be released June 3, 2014. But, even better news is that Genevieve released the first single, “My Telephone Number Is” this week! You might recognize Genevieve from Disney Channel’s Choo Choo Soul with Genevieve. I remember when she started working with Disney Channel and I told my husband that she had the BEST job ever! She has spent 10 years teaching toddlers fundamental fun and I’ve found myself getting up and dancing right along with my kids whenever she is on TV.
Genevieve’s first solo album features what she does best- teaching and entertaining children. “Do You Know?” is written for children ages 2-7 and features songs and videos aimed at helping preschoolers learn their phone number, tell time, put themselves to bed and more personal things like hygiene and dealing with potty training. Album release date is June 3, 2014.
If you pre-order the album (available for pre-orders in early May), fans will receive instant access to the albums next single “Gotta Do My Business”. You can also download Genevieve’s free app on iTunes called “Sing with Genevieve”.
To dance along with Genevieve and her new album, make sure to follow her on:
Twitter: @ChooChooGirl
Facebook: Facebook.com/GenevieveGoings
Instagram: Instagram.com/GenevieveGoings
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