I live in a house of four boys and one thing that I have learned is that my boys love technology. It’s just in their blood. I remember my oldest son sitting at the computer at the age of three and designing pictures in Paint. Now, they are spending time in elementary school learning coding and creating class websites. At home I have to set limits on the amount of time they spend on various forms of technology, but one thing I am learning to embrace is that technology isn’t going anywhere, so we might as well embrace it and find ways to #ShareAwesome and use it in a positive way.
Today’s families use technology in pretty much every aspect of life. We shop online, connect with friends and family, take classes, read books and even play games while connected to the internet. But as a family, we need to learn and teach our kids the importance of making smart decisions online to help them stay safe. The National PTA has partnered with LifeLock to share ways that families can stay safe online by making positive and safe decisions.
The #ShareAwesome initiative inspires and informs parents with ways to talk to their children about online safety while celebrating students and families who use media tools to share positive and good messages. It teaches parents to shift the dialogue about online safety from scary and preachy to fun, and a part of everyday life and teaches that the same tools needed to stay safe offline can apply to online as well.
So how can you #ShareAwesome? You and your family can #ShareAwesome by using your social media channels to share a smart and safe decision, uplifting moment, or positive action by using the hashtag #ShareAwesome on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Every time you #ShareAwesome you are entered for a chance to win a tablet, $2,500 scholarship or technology for your school.
You can share any achievements that your family members have made, such as earning awards or getting good grades at school. My son earned his Arrow of Light award which is the highest award in Cub Scouts. That is the perfect type of “awesome” thing to share online.
For more information about the #ShareAwesome initiative please visit ShareAwesomeNow.org for more information.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
I have not heard of Share Awesome before. Thanks for letting people know. Big congrats to your son for his big achievement. I’m sure he worked very hard to earn his Arrow of Light award.
Thank you so much! I will pass that along to him.
This is such a great idea and soooo soooo important. Technology is going to be so different for our kids, we need to make sure we’re on top of it! Thanks so much for introducing this to me! <3
Yes, our kids are living in a completely different world than the one we grew up in. Things are moving so quickly now and information is so easily accessible, which is good and bad.
Social media can be a scary thing if left to idle hands. I love the idea of teaching children the right and wrong ways of being safe on the internet/social media.
Definitely! We know they are going to be on it so we might as well teach them what is appropriate behavior and how to stay safe.
Your son looks so proud with his arrow of light! I know those are hard to earn!