If you’ve read this blog for any amount of time you know that we love to play with our food! I have a couple of picky eaters so getting them to eat can be tricky. I always have to laugh at the fact that if I make the food look like something fun, then they normally gobble it right down. Doesn’t even matter what it is.
As I mentioned earlier this week about my shopping trip and the random act of kindness that was done for me, we were completely out of food after being gone for Spring Break and Easter so I headed off to Sam’s Club to fill the shelves. You can read about my shopping experience in my Google + album.
I knew I’d be getting quite a bit but I did not expect my cart to look like this:
Living where I do makes it a bit difficult to go shopping so when I am in town I have to load up. As part of my shopping trip I grabbed a bag of Tyson Chicken Nuggets and Chicken fries because I know that my kids will eat them. And I love that they are all natural and made with white chicken and make a yummy, quick snack.
My Spring Food Art Creation
After school, my boys are always starving and since Spring is in the air, I made up this fun snack for them to eat complete with butterflies and a bee in the air, a duck on the water, fish in the pond and Cat Tails made from celery and Tyson chicken fries. My boys have been begging to go fishing so I told them they could practice catching these fish and see if it was the same. 😉 They weren’t amused. lol!
I used ketchup, mustard and Mayo for decorating the nuggets and added a bit of blue food coloring to the Mayo to make the water.
I found that it was easier to decorate if I filled medicine droppers with the different condiments instead of trying to use the huge bottles.
This guy loved the snack! But since he’s only 4, any type of fun food is exciting.
Do you like to play with your food? What spring food art could you come up with using Tyson Chicken nuggets?
Be sure to connect with Tyson!
- Website: www.tyson.com
- Twitter: @ClubTysonLive
- Facebook: Tyson Chicken Nuggets
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Tyson. #cbias #SocialFabric #MealsTogether All opinions are my own.
What a cutie! I love your designs 🙂
Thank you! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Holy mackerel did you ever fill that cart up! LOL Great food art, love the fish!
Thanks! Pushing that cart around gave me quite the workout! lol!
I really need to start doing this more often. My Bubby is such a picky eater and I bet he’d do a lot better if all of his food was fun! That bee cracks me up!
Thanks Christy! Two of my boys are really picky and it definitely helps. This was really easy to make.
What an AWESOME idea — your boys must think you are the greatest!
Thanks! I just hope they remember the times we spent doing fun things. They are growing up too fast and soon the novelty of fun food will wear off. {sigh}
I love the cute food! Sometimes we cut shapes into our fruits and veggies. Using the medicine dropper is a great idea!
Thanks Jenn! I need to get some little cutters for fruit. Lots of my friends have them and I love fun food!
Super Mom award!! I always think belatedly that I should spice up J’s food plates, but never when I’m cooking!! Of course J is only interested in ketchup right now, so it might have looked a bit like a massacre, lol. Love the blue mayo water! 🙂
lol! Pretty much we ended up biting all of the fishes heads off, so I guess that counts as a massacre here too. 😉
THat is so fun! My son would love it!