How much of the day do your boys spend fighting? It’s nerve wracking isn’t it? You just want them to learn how to talk through their disagreements and not just fight. Sibling rivalry is REAL, especially between boys.
It is possible to teach your boys how to talk through their disagreements.
Teaching Your Boys to Talk Through Their Disagreements
It seems as though my boys are always arguing about something. Most of the time it is over something silly like whether it is supposed to rain this week, or which superhero is better and why. Disagreements are a normal part of life, but teaching or sons how to talk through a disagreement instead of yelling or even getting physical, is a very important skill for them to learn.
Be a good model for them
How you work through your disagreements is what they will know. Be a good role model to your boys. Notice I said good, not perfect? Your boys do need to know that conflict happens, they just need to know how to deal with it in the right manner.
Sit down and talk to them
When your boys start fighting, it’s time to have a sit down talk with them. Don’t let the disagreement continue. Instead, sit them down and show them how to work out a disagreement. Kicking and punching each other isn’t the right way. Talking it out is the right way.
Give them some time
It’s amazing how one son can punch another and in 10 minutes, they’re best friends again. Teach your boys to talk through their disagreements, but also teach them how to give each other time and space. Perhaps each party needs to go to their rooms for a bit before an agreement can be made out of the disagreement.
Have them write a letter to each other
Perhaps talking it out just isn’t working with your boys. Sometimes you have to start small in order to get where you want to go. Have them write a letter to one another. This letter can state why they were upset, what can be done about it, and an apology for what they did wrong. Some would say that demanding an apology is lame, but in our family it’s the right thing to do.
Stay consistent in your efforts
If you want your boys to talk through their arguments, then remain consistent. When there is an argument, everyone must sit down and talk it out. Practice makes perfect, even when it comes to learning how to talk through arguments.
As you teach this method of overcoming arguments with your sons, don’t expect perfection. It will take time and they will need pretty consistent reminders.
However, hard work and consistency will pay off and your boys will be talking through their disagreements in no time.
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