Oh my goodness. I am so excited to share this video with my readers. My good friend, Shaun Canon, has teamed up with One Voice Children’s Choir to release an amazing new video called “Golazo” as the World Cup Theme Song for this year in hopes of bringing people from all over the globe together. This song is so catchy and the video is pretty incredible too. My boys have watched it over and over again because they are loving all of the soccer moves and the song.
As a mom of boys, I realize how difficult it is to find music that I am okay with them listening to. Shaun has always dedicated himself to writing music that you can enjoy with your family and the message from “Golazo” is that “we’re all still family” and it reminds us that despite our differences, people from all over the world can all join together and be a family. If you love it, share it!
YouTube: “Golazo” is a World Cup Theme Song and Video by Emmy-Nominated singer, ShaunCanon featuring YouTube sensation One Voice Children’s Choir. One Voice’s last video “Let it Go” reached almost 30 MILLION views over the last few weeks, and now they’ve teamed up with Shaun Canon to perform this world cup theme with the hopes of bringing people from around the world together. “Golaço” repeats the lyrics, “we’re all still family” and reminds us that despite our differences, Music and the World Cup can still bring us all together.
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