Our house is buzzing with the anticipation of going back to school in a few days. My boys had fun making and doing this Back to School Word Search in preparation for their big day.
Back to School Word Search
I made an awesome discovery this week! I realized that my oldest son, who has always loved working on computers, is now big enough to help me on my blog. He asked me if it would be okay if he made up some word searches for me to share with my readers. Um, YES! So he made this Back to School Word Search and some additional holiday ones that I will be sharing later on. (Leave him a comment and tell him he’s awesome. He’d love that. 😉 )
I always loved doing word searches as a kid. We didn’t have them easily accessible like kids do today so it was always a treat when a teacher would pull one out and give us a little break from our normal school work. Now you can go to Pinterest and print off a word search for pretty much any topic you can imagine.
Make sure to print out your own word search here —>Back to School Word Search
I always get a little emotional thinking about another year of my kids going back to school. It means my boys have, yet again, grown a year older. (I tell them to stop growing, but they never listen!) I have one starting middle school! I wrote about the 15 Things I Want My Son to Know Before Starting Middle School, but now that it is time to start, I can’t help but worry just a tad. And…my BABY is starting pre-school!! I’m not sure which one is harder for me.
I hope your kids loved our Back to School Word Search.
When do your kids head back to school?
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Marie-Pier says
Thank you for this wonderful wordsearch.