Boys can totally enjoy crafting! Let us prove it to you with today’s selection of fun crafts boys will love. We came up with many crafting ideas featuring their favorite characters for pretend play and pure fun! They will also enjoy making flying toys with their own hands!
Fun Crafts Boys Will Love
Some of the basic supplies needed for these craft projects for boys:
Super Value Construction PaperOrigami Paper
Elmer’s Glue Sticks
Crayola Washable Markers
Fun Crafts For Boys
Now, take a look to see all of the crafts your boys can make!
- So many kids are crazy about Pokemon GO game! It’s not a bad thing since Pokemon Go is one of the rare games that gets them to move around walking as they attempt to find and catch their next Pokemon. Those kids will love these 9 different Pokemon corner bookmark designs! Which one will your child choose to make? We have plenty of other corner bookmark designs for boys if they want more!
- Your boys will enjoy making simple paper straw planes. And, without them realising, they will learn so many STEM concepts while changing straw length or circle size.
- Did you know you can make a flying boomerang that comes back, like a real one? And from paper?! It’s super simple to make origami boomerang from a single sheet of paper. And boys can enjoy decorating them as they like.
- Things that fly are so much fun! Best proof is this paper helicopter. Boys will find it hard to believe how simply they can be made. Surely they will make many of them to fly around! This type of super simple paper crafts is one of the crafts featured in our new book Easy Paper Projects.
- When you work on STEAM projects, you can’t miss a classic like thaumatropes! We prepared printable thaumatropes for kids to make and enjoy optic illusions as they craft their own toys.
- Every little boy dreams about becoming a superhero! With superhero mask, they can play superhero today! This is a perfect activity for your little boy’s birthday party!
- Another favorite pretend play theme for little boys is pretend playing knights! Invite them to make their own knight’s shield from newspaper found in a recycle bin. If you have more newspapers stashed away for crafting, pick a few from a variety of the newspaper crafts and make with kids.
- For kids who love dragon stories and movies (How to Train a Dragon fans!), let them create their own paper plate dragons! You know they will love to make and decorate them! They can also make a dragon twirler to hang over their bed!
- These colorful paper snakes are so much fun! How long will your kids made theirs? You will need paper tube to make a head. We always have some in our recycle bin for crafting purposes!
- Power up your paper airplanes with airplane launcher! Doesn’t it sound so much fun!? And, it sure is! It will take a bit more time to prepare launchers but anticipation will make it even more exciting!
If you liked the simple and easy paper crafts we shared here, you will also love a new book published by our friend Maggy from Red Ted Art called Easy Paper Projects Book. Filled from cover to cover with simple and inexpensive paper based crafts for everyday crafting as well as seasonal projects. We are sure you will find many projects your boys will want to try and make on their own!
Get your copy today
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Hope you loved this list of fun crafts boys will love! Do you have a favorite craft that your boys love to make? Share it in the comments. We’d love to share it with our readers!
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