This Printable Road Trip Journal is the perfect way for kids to remember their favorite things about your next road trip. Just print out one set for each stop on your next road trip and have your children pass the time by filling in their favorite things about each stop.
Not only will this make the trip go faster, but it will be a fun keepsake to look back on down the road.
It is best to print on cardstock, hole punch each page and put in a binder.
This Printable Road Trip Journal includes:
- A travel page listing location and date of travel
- A page to share something they already knew about where they were going and something new they learned while there.
- A page sharing what they were excited to see
- A page to list their favorite things from that stop
- And a page to draw their favorite thing they saw on their trip.
You will love reading back on their memories long after the trip has past. Keep a binder of all of their road trip journals over the years as a fun way to reminisce.
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