How to Make a Solar Oven
Okay, so hopefully it will never be needed to save our lives, but if we are ever without power for a long period of time, I now know that because of our new solar oven we will not go hungry, or without cookies. 😉
We finished our final school project of the year last week. The project was to create something out of mostly recycled materials and after searching the internet, my 2nd grader chose to make a solar cooker out of cardboard boxes, aluminum foil and a large oven bag or “The Super Solar Oven” as he named it.
My husband and son spent a couple of nights working on this and then he had to present it to the class as if he were trying to sell it.
He won first place for his advertisement and much to my amazement, one of the teachers at the school said that she has one of these that she makes bread in every summer. Really? I have got to try that!! I knew our desert sun had to be useful for something. I thought this was just a silly little project but once I heard that it could actually cook, I had to give it a try. So, I didn’t make bread but I thought I’d try some pan cookies.
I whipped these up, took off the lid of the cooker and put them in. Then replaced the lid, positioned the cooker so the sun was hitting it just right and then we waited…and waited…and waited.
I know you are dying to know what happened next. Well…we waited some more. And we moved the box to make sure the angle of the sun was right.
About 5 (yes 5) hours later ( I think it took longer because we started later in the day)
(drumroll please)
I was a definite sceptic but now I’m a believer! I wonder what I should try cooking next. Any suggestions? If there’s ever an emergency and you run out of electricity and cookies, you’ll know where to come. But make sure to bring your patience cause good things come to those who wait…and wait…and wait.
To build your own Super Solar Oven you can find the instructions as well as tips and recipes for using your oven here.
This is one school project that we plan to keep!
If you are interested in solar ovens but don’t want to make your own, there are many different types of solar ovens out there.
Mmmm! Those look yummy! Way to go!!!
Thanks! We were surprised that they were edible. Worth the wait! 🙂
The Kings have something like that for their food storage and used it to cook their Sunday meals last summer.
I actually thought of Kathy as I was cooking and thought that she’d be so proud of us, lol. I figured she would have something like this. And, I didn’t doubt that a solar oven would work but I did doubt that OUR cardboard box solar oven would work. I’ll have to bake you some bread.
Wow! I’m impressed. Good job!
wow very good I wanna make it too it looks fun I wanna try it in my science project.
this is a good inspiration to me because I built the same one
this is great inspiration because I built the same type but out of plywood. What did you put in your cookies?