I’m bored!! How many times have you heard that already this summer? These outdoor summer activities for kids will help to keep boredom at bay.
Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids
There are days that my boys have an attention span of a fly and seem to get bored really easily and other days where they will play really nicely in their rooms or build LEGO creations for hours. I went looking for some ideas for Outdoor Summer Activities for kids that will help on those days where they need some new ideas and here’s what I found.
It is VERY hot where we live and a good part of our summer vacation is spent indoors, so I love that this list includes a lot of activities that include getting WET so that when we do go out we can get cooled off quickly.
Fun Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids
1. Eye Spy Nature Scavenger Hunt | The Joys of Boys
2. Washer Bucket Toss | Happiness is Homemade
3. 5 Summer Pool Noodle Activities | The Joys of Boys
4. Squirt Gun Painting | Fireflies and Mud Pies
5. Watermelon Volcano | Little Bins for Little Hands
6. Soda Geyser | The Joys of Boys
7. Homemade Giant Bubbles | Happy Hooligans
8. Simple Catapults | Housing a Forest
9. Ride Bikes through the Sprinklers | The Chirping Moms
10. Floating Flowers Pool Sensory Activity | Mama Papa Bubba
11. Foil River | The Joys of Boys
12. Lay Under the Stars in a Kiddie Pool | Crafty Morning
13. Easy Backyard Water Wall | Kids Activities Blog
14. Backyard Obstacle Course | Frugal Fun 4 Boys
15. Pool Noodle Train Tracks | Play Trains
16. Ultimate DIY Splash Pad | The Joys of Boys
17. Movement Hopscotch | Matty Angel
18. What’s Inside the Giant Ice Cube? | Our Little House in the Country
19. Ice Painting | Glue Sticks & Gumdrops
20. Alphabet Bug Spray | Toddler Approved
21. DIY Pool Noodle Goal Post | The Joys of Boys
22. Rainbow Bubbles | Gift of Curiosity
23. Water Balloon Number Splash | And Next Comes L
24. Outdoor Salt Art | Buggy and Buddy
25. Sidewalk Chalk Clock Game | Creative Family Fun
I hope you found some inspiration for fun outdoor summer activities for your kids!
What is your child’s favorite outdoor summer activity?
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I usually do some of these activities to my kids to avoid them being too much exposed to modern technologies which demotivate them to go outside and have fun only from gadgets.
Last Week, I was bought a baby stroller, my kids are now playing that. thanks for your article. can you write about the baby stroller.