I am very excited to be bringing you 31 Days of Tips for Raising Boys.
31 Days of Tips for Raising Boys
I have always said that raising boys is not for the weak! For the Month of October I will be covering a different topic about raising boys. Even after 12 years of raising boys, I definitely don’t have all the answers so I am excited to be bringing in advice from professionals in the different fields of parenting.
Each day throughout October we shared a new post related to raising boys. They are all listed below.
31 Days of Tips for Raising Boys
Day 1: 10 Ways to Bond with Your Son
Day 2: How To Teach Your Son to Be a Gentleman
Day 3: 10 Tips for Raising Confident Boys
Day 4: How To Protect Our Sons from Pornography
Day 5: Top-Rated Books on How to Raise Boys
Day 6: Boys and Bullying: How to keep your child safe
Day 7: How to Encourage Boys to Read
Day 8: Ideas to Encourage Boys to Write
Day 9: Boys and Body Image
Day 10: Preparing Your Bathroom for Potty Training Boys
Day 11: Potty Training Boys: Advice from Moms of Boys
Day 12: Toy Storage Solutions
Day 13: How To Get Rid of the “Boy Smell” In Your Bathroom
Day 14: Tips for Keeping Boys Full On a Budget
Day 15: How to Get Dirt and Grass Stains Out of Clothes
Day 16: How to Get Rid of Stinky Feet and Shoes
Day 17: 10 Tips to Help You Deal With Bedwetting
Day 18: Tips to Get Boys Excited About Learning to Cook
Day 19: 6 Tips to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth
Day 20: How to Keep Your Sanity While Raising Energetic Boys
Day 21: Teaching Boys Personal Hygiene So They Won’t Stink
Day 22: Tips to Reduce Sibling Rivalry
Day 23: When Kids Fight: Tips to Reduce Fighting In Your Home
Day 24: Activities to Improve Handwriting in Kids
Day 25: Resources to Help Treat Anxiety in Children
Day 26: Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids
Day 27: Printable Chore Charts for Boys
Day 28: Boys and Gaming: Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Video Games
Day 29: Simplest Way to Remove Urine Stains from a Mattress
Day 30: Keeping Your Child Safe From Cyberbullying
Day 31: 10 Assumptions We Should Stop Making About Boys
Also check out these books that have been recommended by members of our Moms of BoysCommunity:
(affiliate links)
- If I Have to Tell You One More Time…
- The 5 Love Languages of Children
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk - The No-Cry Discipline Solution
- The No-Cry Sleep Solution
- Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World
- Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men
If I Have to Tell You One More TimeThe 5 Love Languages of Children
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons
I hope you enjoy this series! I have learned a lot as I have researched and shared this information with you.
What is your best tip for raising boys? Leave it in the comments.
Ooo, how exciting?! And a great idea for us girly girl mums with boys!
Yes! I know when I had my first boys I was clueless. I’m only slightly less clueless now but have a few tips I can share. I love raising boys!
Hi there! I am also a mom of 4 boys (twins 8, 3, 9months). I am looking forward to reading your posts. I’m doing write31days too! Excited for this challenge.
So glad you found us! The challenge is exciting!
Hi Kara, I’ve got two boys, 4 & 2, and am so looking forward to some inspiration. I am kind of an introverted homebody, so the noise level and the need for active play drive me bananas..
I can definitely understand that! Their noise and energy can be exhausting.
What a great series! I’m a new boy mom so I’ll be following along.
Great! Let me know if there are any specific topics you would like me to cover.
ALWAYS looking for tips. When dealing with twin toddlers, you learn not to ever turn away from free advice. Looking forward to learning from someone with twice the experience I have…lol
Haha…It’s amazing how much you learn from on-the-job experiences. But I definitely don’t have all the answers, like how to raise twin boys!
Great topic! I’ll be 40 weeks with our little boy tomorrow, so I’m glad I found your blog! I signed up for emails 🙂
So glad you found us! Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your little guy. 🙂
Hi Kara
I receive your newsletters and have found endless useful information on your web and blog. I am the editor of 3 online magazines, two of which focus of kids (Positive Parenting and Montessori Mag-nificence). I would like to invite you to be on our Team of article contributors – how it works is that we re-publish an article per edition, which will include all your details, logo, links back to your website and blog…. and we put your beautiful pic on our Team page. My magazines are distributed in South Africa and most of my content is sourced from overseas – our readers LOVE the info and the colourful magazines. Check us out at http://www.childoftheuniverse.co.za. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards Linda
I can’t wait to read these. I have two rowdy boys and can’t imagine your world with four!
Life with boys is definitely an adventure! I hope this is helpful. Good luck! 🙂